What is Cancer?

Cancer is the growth of abnormal cells in your body, these cells start to divide uncontrollably, do not die, and form a mass or tumor. These tumors might be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous).
The growth of these tumors in the body causes deformities in the normal functions of our body. Cancer cells can appear and transform any body part, affect blood vessels and lymph nodes, and spread to different organs.
Did you know?
Every year cancer causes the death of people around 8 lakh people in India, which equals more than 15% of total deaths in the country of India.
The top 3 most common cancers worldwide are Breast cancer, Lung cancer & Colon or Rectum Cancer.
How does cancer spread?
What is cancer? Cancer is the growth of abnormal cells in any body organ or part. Cancer cells grow and spread very fast and form a tumor. Cancer tumors cause changes in the immune system and attack the normal cells in the body. Early cancer detection and innovative treatments are more helpful in treating cancers.
What is cancer? Differences between the normal and cancerous cell
Generally, our cells get instructions from the genes. The genes make regulations for the cells to follow like growing and stopping growing.
The cancerous cells ignore the regulations and multiply uncontrollably which makes the cancerous cells grow and spread out of control. This means that cancerous cells destroy the normal cells while The normal cells get instructed by the genes and follow the rules and regulations.
Normal cells divide in controlled steps and don’t grow as fast as cancerous cells.
Normal cells are scheduled to die while cancerous cells ignore and keep growing.
Why is cancer common in India?
According to the Indian Journal and Medical Research and the result of the National Cancer Registry program the estimated cases of the cancers are 1461427 of the year 2022 which means 100.4 per 100000 people.
In India one of nine people is likely to suffer from cancer most of the cases are lung and breast cancer.
In 2025, the estimated cases will increase to 12.5 according to their studies.
In the United States According to the American Cancer Society studies and information in the year 2019 around 16.9 million people were diagnosed with cancer.
The most common cancer in the world
- Breast Cancer
- Lung Cancer
- Colorectal Cancer
- Prostate Cancer
- Liver Cancer
- Blood Cancer
- Pancreatic Cancer
- Mouth Cancer
1. Breast Cancer

It is the growth of the cancer cells in the breast tissue to form a tumor.
Symptoms: Nipple discharge, breast lump, skin color changes, and changes in breast shape and size.
Treatments: The treatment option for breast cancer depends on the cancer stage and tumor size.
Most oncologists suggest combining treatments to treat breast cancer.
Options of Treatment in India may include:
(I) Surgery,
(ii) Radiotherapy,
(iii) Chemotherapy, and
(iv) Immunotherapy.
2. Lung Cancer

The growth of cancer cells in the lung tissue forms a tumor. Lung cancer is the most common cancer case in India.
Causes: The causes of lung cancer may include air pollution, breathing chemical exposure, smoking, etc.
Symptoms: Prolonged cough, blood in cough, chest pain with coughing and breathing, appetite loss, hoarseness, unexplained weight loss & feeling tired.
Treatments: The treatment option for lung cancer depends on the cancer stage and tumor type.
Options of Treatment in India may include:
(I) Surgery (lobectomy, pneumonectomy),
(ii) Radiotherapy,
(iii) targeted therapy,
(iv) Immunotherapy, and
(v) Aerosol chemotherapy.
3. Colon Cancer or Colorectal Cancer

Colon cancer is also known as colorectal cancer. It begins as small, benign clumps of cells called polyps. If it is untreated over time, these polyps become cancerous.
Causes: The causes of lung cancer may include air pollution, breathing chemical exposure, smoking, etc.
Symptoms: Persistent changes in bowel habits (diarrhea or constipation, blood in the stool, abdominal pain, unexplained weight loss & fatigue.
Treatments: The treatment option for lung cancer depends on the cancer stage and tumor type.
Options of Treatment in India may include:
(I) Tumour removal surgery (colectomy)
(ii) Radiotherapy,
(iii) Chemotherapy
(iv) In advanced stages HIPEC and PIPAC procedures might be suggested.
4. Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the growth of cancer cells in the prostate gland. Prostate cancer is a common disease that usually affects older males above 50 years around 1 out of 9 men.
Causes: The risk of prostate cancer increases after the age of 50 years in men.
Symptoms: Pain in bone, Trouble urinating, blood in the urine, abdominal pain, weight loss & erectile dysfunction.
Treatments: The treatment of prostate cancer depends on the prostate cancer stage and the patient’s overall health.
Options of Treatment in India may include:
(I) Robotic surgery
(ii) Radiotherapy,
(iii) Chemotherapy
(iv) Immunotherapy
5. Liver Cancer

Liver cancer is the growth of cancer cells in the liver tissues and over the period, it develops into a tumor. this tumor might be primary or secondary.
There are several types of liver cancer and the most common types are hepatocellular carcinoma and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma is much more common.
Primary liver cancer happens when cancer starts to grow in the liver itself.
Secondary liver cancer happens when cancer has spread from other organs like the colon, pancreas, stomach, lungs, and breast.
Symptoms: sudden weight loss without any reason, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, weakness fatigue, and jaundice.
Treatments: Liver cancer treatment options depend on various factors such as patient age, patient overall health, cancer type, tumor location, tumor size, and cancer stage.
Thanks to the innovations and modern treatments to treat liver cancers to treat liver cancer your hepato-oncologist might use a combination of different treatments
Options of modern Treatment in India may include:
(I) Robotic surgery (partial hepatectomy)
(ii) Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (SABR),
(iii) Trans Arterial Chemotherapy (TACE)
(iv) Immunotherapy
6. Blood Cancer

Blood cancer is caused by the growth of cancer cells in your bone marrow system which is responsible for producing red blood cells in our body. There are many types of blood cancers common types are leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma
Causes: It develops with the combination of genetics & environmental factors.
Symptoms: Frequent infections, unexpected weight loss, easy bleeding, persistent fatigue & swollen lymph nodes.
Treatments: Blood cancer treatment options depend on various factors such as patient age, patient overall health, cancer type, and cancer stage.
Options of modern Treatment in India may include:
(I) Chemotherapy,
(ii) Radiation therapy,
(iii) Targeted therapy,
(iv) Immunotherapy,
(v) CART therapy,
(vi) Autologous or Allogenic Bone Marrow Transplant
7. Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is a cancer cells that grow and develop in the pancreatic tissue and form a tumor and affects the pancreas function. Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of pancreatic cancer.
Causes: It develops with the combination of genetics & environmental factors.
Symptoms: jaundice, weakness, weight loss, back pain, abdominal pain, nausea vomiting, and dark urine.
Treatments: Treatment of pancreatic surgery depends on the cancer stage, patient’s overall health, patient’s age, and tumor size and location.
Options of modern Treatment in India may include:
(I) Surgery (Whipple’s surgery) or (distal pancreatectomy),
(ii) Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy
(iii) Targeted therapy,
(iv) Immunotherapy,
(v) Chemotherapy
8. Oral Cancer or Mouth Cancer

Oral cancer or Mouth Cancer is a type of cancer that affects different parts of the mouth or oral cancer like the tongue, mouth lining, lips, gums, or throat.
According to the studies of the National Library of Medicine (USA) India has become one of the top three countries that recorded the highest number of oral cancer cases due to smoking and chewing tobacco (pan masala).
Oral cancer or Mouth cancer has several types but the most common type of oral cancer is squamous cell carcinoma.
Causes: Smoking and chewing tobacco.
Symptoms: jaundice, weakness, weight loss, back pain, abdominal pain, nausea vomiting, and dark urine.
Treatments: Treatment options for oral cancer or mouth cancer depend on several factors like cancer stage, type of cancer, patient age, and patient overall health.
In most oral cancer or mouth cancer cases ENT oncologists may suggest a combination of treatments.
Options of modern Treatment in India may include:
(I) Surgery (mandibulectomy with fibula flap reconstruction)
(ii) Radiotherapy
(iii) Immunotherapy,
(iv) Chemotherapy
Why India Is Emerging as The Best Destination for Cancer Care
India has proved to be one of the best destinations for treating cancer among countries.
1. Modern Hospitals: Equipped with high-standard technology that helps deliver and improve cancer treatment quality.
2. Affordable Cost: The cost of cancer treatment in India is significantly lower compared to other countries.
3. National Cancer Co-Operative Network: Most cancer hospitals in India provide all the cancer treatments under the guidelines and recommendations of The National Cancer Co-Operative Network (NCCN).
4. Experienced Doctors: Doctors are highly qualified and experienced in India.
5. Zero Waiting Period: No waiting period for international patients.
6. High Success Rate: High success rate in cancer treatment.What makes India Unique in treating cancer?
When we speak about the cancer treatment in India, it has unique features as follows:
Availability of Experienced Oncologists: India has well-experienced Oncologists available in the best hospitals, consultations with such Doctors help patients to get the best and right treatment with excellent success outcomes.
Availability of Affordable Screenings: In India, most Hospitals get screening facilities under one roof which helps international patients to have treatment in a shorter time.
Availability of Advanced Treatments: India has recently proven to provide the best treatment methods for cancer, keeping pace with modern-day medicine and techniques. India Offers a wide range of treatment options depending on the patient’s diagnosis, cancer type, and Age.
Treatments may include CART therapy, immunotherapy, stereotactic radiotherapy, non-invasive stereotactic radiosurgery cyber knife, navigation surgeries, Robotic minimal invasive surgeries, chemotherapy, and more.
Availability of Advanced Technology: In India, most private hospitals have upgraded equipment to deliver and facilitate the best treatment quality for International Cancer patients.
Availability of reasonable cost: comparing the treatment costs with other countries like Thailand, USA, turkey, and other European countries India is the most affordable country in treating cancers or other diseases.
Availability of the Rehabilitation Departments: In India the best private hospitals will get rehabilitation departments to provide post-surgery rehabilitation and other activities like counseling with other specialists like physiologists and psychologists to encourage and give hope to the patients to promote speedy recovery.